Friday, January 10, 2014

November & 4 Months Old

So… I guess it would be fair to say that the days of enjoying 3-4 hour nap times and getting things done around here are long gone, can you tell? I'm just now getting around to updating since OCTOBER! Oh. My! Sweet Little Oliver has decided for quite some time now that he only likes to take a 30-45 minute nap a couple times a day.  BUT.. BUT!!!!! Wait for it.. He is sleeping through the night and has been for a good while now.  I wouldn't trade that for anything! Even if that means he wants to play Curious George all day long and partake in the Mommy Circus which provides never ending ridiculous and looney acts… over and over and over again! Shheesshhh, I can honestly say that some of the songs and rhymes I make up and sing on a daily basis are completely nuts and embarrassingly dumb quite frankly! Do all moms do that? I mean it's a good thing there isn't a hidden camera in our house because people… YOU WOULD LAUGH YOUR HEADS OFF!!! Oh well, Oliver thinks I'm his own personal clown and for that, I will continue my circus acts daily! The smiles and giggles are worth every crossed eye I make and scary and hilarious sounding noises that I come up with!

He's like a big pea in a big pod! 

Oliver was 4 months old in November and this was a big month for him! He had his 4 month well check and left with some sweet crayon band-aids from all the shots and a healthy report! He is doing very well in terms of weight gain and growth.  Since he also has a "corrected age" which is what he would have been if he was a full term baby, he would have been 2 months old, so comparatively he is hanging right in there! Dr. Sotelo just loves how much weight he has been putting on and always does a great job in answering my many mommy questions with, "He's fine! Leave him alone and let him watch football!" Hah! Well little did I know that little Oliver would soon come to know what that meant! I swear every time he can get a glimpse of the TV, he will! He turns his head around like an owl to watch! I know it's not too great for babies eyes' at this young of an age to watch TV obviously, but not gonna lie. He may or may not have caught about half the Niners games.. We can thank Daddy for that and rejoice that Uncle John is a top notch Ophthalmologist!

Doctors Orders: Watch football…  Check!
And pretend to be playing.  Check!

Don't worry guys.. I recovered the fumble!
Papa would be proud of the little QB in the making.

At 4 months old:

- Started making this laughing/cough/choke sound… It's safe to say that he hadn't quite figured out what a simple laugh was yet.. But it was a start, and still cute nevertheless!

- He started really noticing when the dogs would bark and he would stop. look. and listen. (Wish he would have been with me and could have taught some of my 1st graders how to do that!)

Jesse called me to come look at this. Boy am I glad I did.
Brixie just loves him! 
One of my very most favorite pictures ever. I can't even handle it!

- The boy grew out of just about everything! He started wearing 3-6 month clothes and I felt like I was cleaning out his closet and drawers like a mad woman!

- He started tracking movement! It was so cute to look at him when he was on the floor or changing table and watch him follow me when I moved.  Those big eyes get me every. single. time.

- Funny and random fact: The kid used to HATE getting his diaper changed. NOPE! Not anymore! He LOVES it! Like smiles and giggles and squirms and "goos" kinda loves it! It cracks us up to see that look on his face when we pull off that diaper! He likes, ummm.. being free? And wiped.. Such a boy, I swear!

- He went to primarily breastfeeding and only 2 bottles of Neosure a day for the extra calories. Apparently Mommy also makes Whole Milk ++ because Ollie started to pile on the thigh and neck rolls! :)

- He's got this little reddish stork bite right in between his little eyebrows! So cute! And his eyes change colors daily. We think they'll either be hazel or brown.. Or chameleon like Mommy's.

He loves his Freddy Firefly toy! 

- His little head started growing a lot of little peach fuzz hair! It's adorable and looks like he is bald in pics, but I swear, it's there! Just really fine and light! Might be a little blondie like both Jes and I when we were little tikes.

Oh little fuzz. Never, Never go away!
Let's get on with it and get to the cuteness… Ready.. Go!

Every morning we start with cuddles and smiles while Mommy
tries to pry her eyelids open.  This definitely makes it easier!

You should know that this was his "take home outfit." Um..
We enjoyed it at 4 months old instead! Sorry for putting you in
a gown buddy. I won't do it again. 

Seriously guys? This football is a tad too big for my grip. 

My guys.. My Heart belongs to them both!
Well.. ok! And the wine behind them too..

I will leave you with this. :) 
I hear some noises and grunts from the other room. Must have already been 30 minutes, so that means Circus Act 12 begins NOW…

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