Saturday, June 22, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Where did the time fly? It seems like just yesterday that it was December and Jesse and I found out that we were moving to Arizona for his new job! It's JUNE and we ARE HERE!!!!! I can hardly even believe it! Well, Jes has technically been here since January but we are reunited as a married couple and living under the same roof... for more than a week!!!!! My heart sings a happy tune when I remember that I don't have to say goodbye to him in a few weeks! In fact, we've been getting to "re-know" each other as silly as that seems because if you've known our life we have been a long distance couple for almost 8 years now!!!! Crazy, right? I'm pretty sure that if we can survive the distance for that long, we'll be good to weather any type of situation, right? And I am a firm believer that distance DOES make the heart grow fonder! We are big time proof that long-distance relationships do and can survive and be amazing!

Since I'm taking time off, I have become a housewifey and let me tell you..... I LOVE IT! Sorry, but I always knew I would! Who wouldn't like getting up when their happy heart desires (even though my preggy heart gets me up at 3:00 am to pee and 5:00 for good..)???? Who wouldn't like making breakfast, packing a lunch, and cooking dinner for their hubby? Well, I guess some wouldn't but I love cooking/baking so it makes me a happy girl! I swear I have never done as many dishes in my life! I think because I have the time to actually cook and bake how I want, I blow through pots, pans, and dishes like a 10 person family would! Jesse even threw in the line "Man, you're bustin' out all your goods now!" Hahah, I love that man! Call me crazy, but I like cleaning! I know some people might be laughing in their chair and saying, "Well good for you, Lindsey," but I do... I have a problem... I know! I have already gotten past the first stage of admitting that! So, I've been dusting every nook and cranny, cleaning the blinds, windexing windows, scrubbing floorboards, sweeping, and well I guess you can say that I am a complete NESTER! I knew I would do this when I was pregnant, but because it's getting closer to the time that we bring our babe home, I want it to be ours... Our dirt, our filth, our germs, ya know? Yes, I am weird and a clean/sparkly house makes my heart so happy! Jesse and I even passed up hiring a maid to come clean this place because I knew I could do it better and my way.... Sick right? The sad part is I don't even feel close to being done! I still have a running mental list of what needs more scrubbing/cleaning.... So, basically, I spend my days looking like a bum, inside doing house chores, decorating and running errands! Bottom line, I love it, feel so blessed to be able to, and feel so much less like a crazy person that has a brain running a million miles a minute with lists and lists of things to do! Speaking of decorating.... I am still in denial that we actually filled a 4 bedroom home with stuff from our 1 bedroom condo....???? How is that possible? I mean, seriously!

Anyways, I know I am famous for writing posts that seem to go on and on and on.... so I am going to leave this one (the rest of it)  to mostly pictures of our new house with just a few side notes! I can't help but fall in love with this place because I know that here in September, this is where we will be bringing our sweet baby boy back to and start our family of 3!!!!

The Grandpa's painting Oliver's Nursery with Love

Our Bedroom

Guest Room

Our Master Bath

Home Sweet Home

Empty Room that will probably be Oliver's Downstairs Fun Room.
For now it serves as a track for the dogs to sprint around...

Laundry Room... Exciting I know!

Guest Bath Downstairs

Living Room (This room will be undergoing many changes coming soon!)
I'm super picky but why would they paint that wall red? Gross...

Dining Area

My Favorite part: Our AMAZING kitchen!
Someone knew I would spend a lot of time in here...
Oh ya... Can you tell there is a full wall of wine? Yah... I'm preggy... BUMMER

Our spacious backyard and a heater just in case 110 degrees isn't hot enough

Yes.... PALM TREES!!!! Am I by the beach???
We have fruit trees too! 

The dogs are in HEAVEN

Soon to be garden (as soon as I figure out what survives in the heat...)

Guest Bathroom upstairs

Oliver's Nursery: Gonna' get workin' on this next week!

Guest Room with Oli's stuff

Our blue office (which will be transformed ASAP)
Lots to do in here too! 

We just got our glider delivered... AKA my new favorite spot...

Even Jesse looks small sitting in this!

Welcome to Caribbean Ln in Scottsdale, AZ!!!! Stop by for a visit when you're in town! We'd love to have you and I'll have margaritas and desserts waiting!


  1. I love the new place! I can't wait to come visit! :) Love you!!!!

  2. Looks wonderful. See you late Fall!!
    Happy new home!
