Friday, May 3, 2013

Yep.... I Gave In!

Well... Welcome to our new blog! :) Do you think I am crazy for doing this right in the middle of about 50 big life changes? Well, I do, but this is something that has been on my "To-Do" list along with about a million bazillion other things so I am so happy that it's up and running! I had about zero clues on how to create my own blog, so yes... I found a super cute gal that does this for a living! What a blessing and what a job! :) I wanted to start blogging because Jesse and I are going through a lot of BIG and new life changes that we wanted you to be a part of! So, let me catch you up a bit....(grab a yummy cup of coffee and dessert)

If you didn't already know by now, we are moving to Scottsdale on June 1st.... And by we, I mean me and the dogs... He's been living there with some friends since January and working his tail off with Depuy Mitek Sports Med.  He's a sales rep for the Mountain West Division in the Scottsdale territory and spends his days traveling from hospital to hospital and kissing up to Docs to make them happy!!!! Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do! There is of course the business side to things and paperwork, yada, yada.... Being in Scottsdale has allowed him to hit up some of the nice courses there with some of the Docs, so that of course is a plus in his book! Not to mention, he's been scoping out new restaurants and where it's happenin'! So, come June we will be starting our new and busy life in beautiful Scottsdale.... OK... HOT SUMMER SCOTTSDALE..... (I'll be sending out new address cards soon) And this brings me to the BIGGEST change that is coming up...

About 20 weeks preggers!

I'm pregnant! Welcome to the world if you didn't know that! I seemed to have popped out like the second I found out I was pregnant, so no I am not just getting chubby.... Well, yes I am- but there is a good reason for it! :) I'm due in September with a little baby boy who we will be naming Oliver! And almost positive that his full name will be Oliver Reid Barnsley. Yes, that's right people- that is my maiden name and we are thrilled that it could be brought back into the line somehow! Jesse is already talking about how he wants to call him Oli! We went to our gender revealing ultrasound on April 26th and right away Mr. Oliver revealed his family jewels... (Daddy was proud to say the least) Jesse and I were so thrilled because secretly we both wanted a boy... I really was so fine either way, but I've known all along this was going to be a baby boy and Jesse was happy to secure a son! :) When I'm not busy packing up our condo and my classroom, I am either at the baby stores or browsing online- which is a problem/addiction.... I mean seriously- that's where the money is people! BABY STUFF! There is something out there for everything and like 200 different versions/brands/colors etc... I am so type A so I don't feel complete until I look at every option- Lord help me, I know!

Sweet Oliver at 13 weeks! Can you just not get over how cute that little leg is? He might be like his Daddy with long legs and big feet!

I am finishing up the school year (my 5th year already) and that in itself is exhausting... THE. KIDS. ARE. DONE!!! And I mean cooked- like overdue crispy bacon and have been ready for summer the first day it got warm... So, it's just tying up loose ends and starting to take down and pack for good.... TEAR! I love that place! I love everything about my school and wish I could pack it up in a box or two and move it and my Principal with me... I'm going to be a crying, hormonal mess when I turn in my key- I just know it!

So, from Jesse getting a new job and moving, to finding out we are pregnant I am about in over my head already and am looking forward to finally being able to reunite with my sweetie for good, decorate our new home and prepare for our sweet blessing.  It's going to be a busy few months, but in the end it will so be worth it!  I will be updating as much as I can and putting up picture after picture I'm sure! So, bear with me as I get used to blogging and I'll see you soon! xoxo


  1. Love, love, love your blog and you and Jesse. I'm reading this with tears in my eyes. We are so very, very happy for you both and your families.
    Thank you for sharing all the good news and darling name of your new little one. We'll be back in AZ in November and can't wait to visit your new place and hold little Oliver (I like Oli too!!!)
    Take care of yourself in the midst of all you have to do and enjoy the moments!
    Fondly, Don & Denise

  2. I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET LITTLE OLIVER! He's going to be such a cutie and geez, is he going to be one spoiled little boy! I look forward to watching your family grow, twinner! Love you Linds, Jes and Oli!

    Auntie Coco
