Friday, February 7, 2014

1/2 A Year Old!

Now I get it.. It finally makes sense to me why every Mom I know would say, "Time, please slow down.." or "They grow up soo quickly.." I get it… Never in my life have my days felt longer but quicker than ever. It's hard to describe.  It really does feel like yesterday that Jesse and I were shopping for groceries and my water broke. It really, REALLY feels like it was yesterday that I was in labor and praying our sweet little guy was going to be ok.  I CAN NOT BELIEVE he is already 6 months old, it just can't be!

I consider myself extremely blessed that I am able to have the opportunity to stay at home with Oliver and watch every single little day go by with him.  I am constantly uploading pictures to my laptop and one night I decided to look back at July.. WOW! Jesse and I were almost brought to tears just looking and remembering what a journey it has been from where we started.. We started with a 32 weeker ready for the world at only 4 lbs. 1 oz… He had 0% body fat and looked like the cutest little saggy skinned old man there ever was.  We had to teach him how to eat.  We had to minimize our interactions with him so he could just rest and grow.  We had to leave the hospital without him. We changed his little preemie diapers that were TOO big on him.. We worried about taking him anywhere in public because of the fear of getting him sick.  But… Most importantly, we've watched him grow.. and grow.. and grow.. If I could read his mind I think he would start out each day with, "Hey guys.. Let's do this thing!" No joke.  He has been a little fighter since day 1 and 6 months later is just as determined.. Never did I think I would be able to see so much personality or determination in a little baby that has existed a total of 6 months.  Oliver has it and isn't afraid to use it!  Don't believe me?  Come watch how he grunts and climbs up our shoulders to look over to the other side- it's hilarious! He now knows the word "Baba" and reaches for it when he sees it.  He cracks us up daily and Mommy and Daddy are in for it, we're sure of that… This guy would be walking if he could figure it out.  He doesn't mess with rolling over, but when he is on his feet, he gets the biggest grin on his face and tries taking steps.. He always wants to be on the move and see new things.  He can't get enough.  He is the Little Curious George that I have always been and wants to nibble on everything he can these days.

Jesse and I are amazed every single day with how perfectly God creates His children.  They are amazingly beautiful in every single way.  Oliver has shown us a whole new side to love- one no one truly knows until you look into the eyes of your child.  It's one of the best feelings I have ever experienced in my life.. To get a smile or giggle from our guy.. whoooaaaahhh talk about heart stopping!

So, before I get all teary eyed, happy half birthday buddy! This will probably be the only 1/2 birthday we'll ever celebrate and we were so happy that Nana, Papa and Abbey were here with us! We love you and can't wait to watch you grow even more! Now.. just slow down- Mama needs time to baby proof and mentally prepare to always be chasing you around everywhere.

Now.. don't judge. I couldn't choose. Sorry in advance for picture overload. 

probably wants to escape because he knows this chair
is used for rocking and photo shoots. 

maybe an all time favorite of mine. 

so BIG. yet so small.

what's going on over there? 

his favorite snack

one of the millions of Oli's famous faces

don't report me. he can't crawl and i was right there.
he lives on the edge

mini birthday party. gotta practice somehow!

Thanks guys, I'll dig right in! 

who knows what he is thinking. 

got a little nervous. maybe next time i should remember
to get the non-sparklery candles.. mom fail. 

Oli.. Momma will donate some of her
 lion's mane to your head, k? 

he always gets so proud to sit in his big boy chair.
and every time he rests his arm too.

purple, huh mom? 

k, i'll forgive you. 

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