Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Live for the little things. Live for today.

I came across this and really thought about every little word I read.  It dawned on me… We are so consumed in our day to day lives of what we have to get done, where we need to be, who we have to see, who we need to make happy, and on and on and on… This year, one of my goals that I have set for myself is to SLOW DOWN, stop being so obsessed with being BUSY and look at each new day as a gift that I have been given from God.  Choosing quality over quantity. These days, life is flying by way too fast and I don't like it one bit.  I have realized that I make it that way though.  Instead of feeling excitement if I see a blank day in my daily planner, I immediately panic, start scheduling and create lists of things to get done.  In fact, if I don't have my planner (yes, I am still old school and refuse to use my phone for scheduling..), I feel lost.. Sad, isn't it? 

I am THE problem and I can be the only one to fix it for myself.  I am going to try my best to make every second count, and every little "non-planned" thing just as important as something that would have been penciled in.  Rocking my baby to sleep, savoring the sight of those sweet gummy smiles, giggling back at those innocent little giggly "Goos…"  THOSE are the things that make life sweet and worth living for… Not a busy schedule, not getting things checked off my millions of lists, not being consumed in other's lives, issues and problems… 

Everything is a choice.  Happiness is a choice.  Every. Single. Day.. You get to decided how you will "paint" your day, no one can choose that for you.  At the end of each day, I'm going to try to remember that I will not get that day back… Ever… I just won't. And I will pray that I made the most of what I could out of what I had.  Life is too short to be spent worrying, mad, sad, or downright sorry for yourself.  "Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.." That's my new motto for the tough stuff that life throws my way… 

Here's to making every little thing count and really, truly and honestly living in the present! Living in the moment is where the true beauty of life lies.  

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